Wednesday, December 7, 2016

I Am An Instrument For Change


“Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world. ”

The change that is to come will not be in words.  It will be from each of us, in thoughts, in our actions, our creations.

When I take a step, when I reach out to another with love, then I hold the levers of power, of incredible, irresistible change that will be unleashed upon the world.  In that loving, in that creation energy, the shift occurs. What has been must now be different, because I have acted. 

What makes a difference in another person’s life comes from inside of each of us, sparked by those abundant, continual interactions we have with each other; one on one, quiet, yet profound. 

Our very existence in this world, in every breath we take, every thought we have, every action we take, has changed the world.  As we move forward, acting in love, being in compassion, we are agents of change. 

I decide, in every act, whether I am an agent of hate and ignorance or an agent of love and knowledge.

I do not have room in my heart for hate.  Hate is darkness, gloom, and defeat. I envision myself filled instead with love and light, my mission is to light the world and fill it with love and endless possibilities.

I am a child of the universe, born into the light.

--Neal Lemery 12/6/2016

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